Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children’ is defined as:
The school has a Whole School Safeguarding Policy, and associated procedures in place to ensure that Safeguarding / Child Protection issues are dealt with efficiently and appropriately.
All staff, including our support staff, visitors, and volunteers are made aware of our procedures, and parents / carers are welcome to read the Child Protection and Safeguarding policy by following this link.
We are committed to keeping children and young people safe against Radicalisation and Extremism and parents can click here to read our Prevent Strategy information for parents and carers.
Any form of abuse, whether it is Sexual, Physical, Verbal or Mental is completely unacceptable and we do not tolerate this within our community. Our students are regularly updated on the latest information regarding their safeguarding and are encouraged to contact are wellbeing team to report any worries or safeguarding concerns. We believe in encouraging correct behaviour frameworks by using using Restorative Approaches have been commended by the Restorative Justice Council.
Our students are encouraged to report any worries or concerns to our wellbeing team using links on our their digital devices or by email to:
We also encourage parents and students to report any e-safety concerns to CEOP via direct links on their digital devices.
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will always ensure that our concerns about our students are discussed with their parents/carers first, unless there is reason to believe that this is not in the student’s best interests.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mrs A Harvey 01736 363240
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Mr R Finch 01736 363240
Safeguarding Governor
Mrs N Walters
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Mr S Royle 01736 363240
Safeguarding Officer
Mrs A Ashton 01736 363240
We offer in house specialist teams and external experts to provide the latest information, advice and guidance on all aspects of our students personal development and well being who can be contacted directly from student iPads.