Mounts Bay Academy welcomes our duties under the Equality Act 2010. The general duties are to:
We understand and support the principle of the Act and the work needed to ensure that those with protected characteristics are not discriminated against and are given equality of opportunity. A protected characteristic under the Act covers the following groups:
We recognise that these duties reflect international human rights standards as expressed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Human Rights Act 1998.
Mounts Bay Academy prides itself on being inclusive of all of its stakeholders (students, parents, staff and governors) within the life of the Academy and treating them with respect and fairness. We ensure that all students receive the best opportunities to achieve their potential in every area of school life. We are committed to and fully endorse the Every Child Matters agenda, which has helped inform Academy life. The Academy will work with every child and family who is a part of our community, irrelevant of background, gender, religion, ethnic group or special need, including physical, emotional and behavioural. We ensure that each student receives the most appropriate education. We also work with other agencies, including other schools, to deliver the best support for all. Mounts Bay Academy challenges all occurrences of unfair treatment of students and staff. We actively promote positive inclusion practices, including treating each other with fairness and respect at all times.
We acknowledge that recent global and national events have placed a spotlight on issues of equality, equity and diversity and there has been a growing societal awareness of, and a campaign against, the systemic inequalities that exist for groups who have less power and influence. As a school and as part of a Multi Academy Trust we are opposed to all forms of overt and covert prejudice, harassment, discrimination and actively aim to educate everyone in the Academy and the Trust to recognise that every person is equal and should be treated with respect. Our Academy is actively developing an ethos and culture that opposes systemic unequal power relations and is reviewing curriculum and other policies to reflect a growing understanding of the challenge faced by everyone.