How to join Mounts Bay Academy

Thank you for taking the time to find out how you can join us.

See why we are one of the best schools in Cornwall and why our students think we are your best choice for the education of your children.

It’s never too late to join us

We believe every student should have access to a world class education. The application process for the 2024 intake closed on 31st October 2023, however we are always happy to consider applications from new students from outside of the area, parents wishing to change schools for their children in any year group or if you have changed your mind about the school you would like your child to attend from September 2024.

The process for this varies depending on when you would like to join us, however a useful guidance document can be downloaded from Cornwall Council here.

To view our admissions policy please click here.

If you would like more information, wish to visit the school or meet the Principal for a personal tour of the school, please telephone Reception on 01736 363240 or contact Helen Rodgers, Personal Assistant to the Principal, email:

If you require any assistance, or further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Academy on 01736 363240.

We look forward to receiving your application, thank you for taking the time to apply.

Further Information

For further information on joining the Academy, contact Cornwall Council Admissions

Cornwall Council Admissions Online

School Admissions Team
Cornwall Council
County Hall
Treyew Road
Truro TR1 3AY

Telephone: 0300 1234 101

Arrangements for Admissions

Mounts Bay Academy is a non-selective school for pupils aged 11-16 year. Applications for places at the Academy are to be made under the Cornwall Local Education Authority’s Coordinated Admission Agreement on a common application form provided by the Local Authority.

The Academy’s Published Admission Number (PAN) is 210 for Years 7 to 9 and 200 for Years 10 to 11. Where applications exceed the number of places available, the over subscription criteria set out below will be used in order of priority to determine admissions:

Over Subscription Criteria

  1. Children in Care who are classified as ‘Looked After’ by the Local Authority.
  2. Children who live in the designated area.
  3. Children with unequivocal professional recommendations from school medical officers or education psychologists that non-placement would result in medical or physical harm.
  4. Children who have a sibling attending the Academy at the proposed date of admission.
  5. Children who attend a local nominated primary school on the closing date for applications in the year preceding admission to the secondary school.
  6. All other children

Tie Breaker

In the event of two or more children having equal priority from the above criteria, the child living closer to the Academy will have greater priority.

Waiting List

In addition to the right of appeal, unsuccessful candidates will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a Waiting List, which will be maintained on behalf of the Academy by Cornwall Council Admissions in order of the over-subscription criteria.

Cornwall’s Local Authority In Year Fair Access Protocol will take precedence over any child already on the Waiting Lists.

Admission outside the normal age group

The Academy will carefully consider exceptional requests where appropriate, and together with the LA, will make a decision based on the particular circumstances of each case.

Admissions outside the Coordinated Scheme

In the event of a place being available in the appropriate year group an offer of a place at the Academy will be made. If no places are available the child will be refused a place at the Academy. Parents of children who are refused a place at the Academy will be notified of their right of appeal and will receive advice from the LA regarding alternative schools.


All parents who are refused a place for their child will be advise of their rights of appeal to an independent panel. The Local Authority, on behalf of the Academy’s governing body, will administer such appeals.

Admission Policy Download

Our Admissions Policy can be found on our Policies page

Admissions Policy